Los Angeles Trip, October 7-10, 2016
Los Angeles Trip, October 7-10, 2016
Candace and I attended the wedding of Matt and Katie in Los Angeles on October 8. Tim and Anna May and their son Matt used to be neighbors of Candace in Princeton and they have stayed good friends with Anna May and Candace sharing an appreciation of the Theater.
We flew in Friday and along with other guests were treated to drinks and dinner at a Pink Taco near the Hotel Roosevelt.
On Saturday, we had time to do some sightseeing in Hollywood before the wedding and reception Saturday evening. There was a Star Wars theme to the wedding!
Sunday, guests were treated to brunch. After that, Candace and I picked up a rental car, drove up to Mt. Wilson and the observatory and then to a hotel in Pasadena.
Columbus Day, we made it to the airport area in plenty of time and so did a little sightseeing at Venice Beach.
The rest of the story is in the photos below. Clicking on a photo brings up a larger version.