FANY Ride Comparison
FANY Ride Comparison
The table below gives mileage and climb data for all the FANY rides for which I have data. The GPS units used to acquire the data have changed over the years. Also, the algorithm has changed a bit. If I were doing a scientific study, I would rerun today's algorithm on all the data, but I'm not!
Through 2017, all FANY rides have started in Niagara Falls. 2018 was a first: the ride started in East Aurora (near Buffalo). For each day, the destination town, mileage (miles), and climb (feet) are listed.
2019 was another first: the ride started in Plattsburgh, went North to south with a short excursion into Vermont, and ended in Poughkeepsie with only six days of riding.
Disclaimers: data for rides connecting the same two towns are not necessarily the same. Sometimes the route changes, sometimes I take a short cut, sometimes I miss a turn, sometimes I take a side trip, and the altitude data tend to be noisy. YMMV! Also, the week totals are not the sum of the daily values. Instead the GPS data are concatenated and new mileage and climb values are computed from the GPS data, so slight discrepancies can arise.